Saturday, May 12, 2012

DIY Bleach Alternative

Every since I started canning in the summer of 2010, I've been on a mission to learn how to do as many things as I can myself in my kitchen and home. Here's the Evolution of my Home for you:

Canning --> Artisan Bread --> Pantry Revamp (all jars!) --> Natural Sourdough --> Yogurt/Buttermilk/Creme Fraiche/Butter --> Homemade Extracts --> Laundry Detergent --> All Purpose Cleaning Solutions --> Fermentation (Kombucha and Sauerkraut) --> Lotions, Lip Balms, Salves, and Creams --> Ricotta/Pot Cheese --> No 'Poo --> Sprouting --> Experimenting with Vegan/Vegetarian Cooking/Baking

my pantry, as it stands today

Future possible domestic projects include hard cheeses, chickens (If I get a backyard someday), pressure canning, experimenting with raw milk, figuring out non-dairy yogurt and water kefir (both were FAILS for me, sadly),  and who knows? The evolution that came after my first canning project (old school corn relish, thanks to my husband Dylan for giving me the idea that started it all!) has been exciting and surprisingly easy; each new skill uncovering other new skills, tempting me to 'give it a try'. And voila! Most of them were successes in one way or another, all opened my eyes to new ways of interacting with my home.

mung beans ready to sprout

So here's an easy place to start, a recipe for a bleach alternative. I found the base recipe here and reduced it to fit in my squirt bottle. It works well, though it doesn't have that satisfying "bleachy" smell that we're used to with all our chemical-laden products :). Once you get over that, it's nice knowing you are using a product to disinfect that won't hurt any small creatures you may have running around your house!

I wrote this before adding more lemon juice
DIY Bleach Alternative
I modified this from the original recipe, found at Crafty Little Gnome

1/4 c. hydrogen peroxide
3 T. lemon juice
3 c. water

Combine in a spray bottle and there you have it: natural bleach alternative!

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